Personal Development

As an Academy our aim is to support our students to develop into self-assured, confident, happy, positive young people. We celebrate the achievements of our students and encourage students to have the resilience and confidence to undertake difficult tasks and engage in a wide range of experiences.

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour, to show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality, and to society more widely.

The Academy offers a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) and personal development of students and helps to prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities of life in modern Britain.


Through our provision for Personal Development and SMSC, we:

The CVEA Leaver Profile

Our CVEA Leaver Profile identifies the key attributes, characteristics and skills our students will develop over their time with us. It was developed in partnership with students, parents, staff, governors and our wider community links (including local employers, local public services, colleges, universities and community groups).


Personal Development and SMSC development are fully integrated into all aspects of the Academy; through the taught curriculum, careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), the pastoral system, the assembly programme, trips and visits, and an extensive extra-curricular and enrichment programme.


Assemblies celebrate and commemorate national and international events and anniversaries related to key events in history. Assemblies are delivered by staff, students and external guests (including local MPs, the police, the fire service, charities and local employers). All assemblies are linked to our Core Values.


By helping students with decisions at key transition points, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work and a wide range of careers, we aim to raise student aspirations, broaden their horizons and fully prepare them for the next stage in their education, training or employment.

Careers is delivered through careers education lessons (Year 7 to Year 11) in PSCHE, through the curriculum (integrated into subject areas) as well as through a wealth of enrichment activities including weekly careers insight talks, workplace visits, college and university taster events and visits.


Throughout the year, each year group organises fundraising events for their nominated charity which is chosen by the students. In addition, each year the Academy supports several local and national charities including The Poppy Appeal, The Trussell Trust, Young Minds and Save the Children.

Combined Cadet Force

The Cadet Force's Mission is 'To prepare Cadets for success in their chosen way of life, increasing their awareness and understanding of the Armed Forces and their role in society by delivering enjoyable, well-organised, military-themed activities in a challenging and safely-managed environment'.

The Combined Cadet Force (Army) Contingent at Castle View Enterprise Academy is open to all students in Year 8 and above. Weekly training sessions after school are supplemented by several weekend activities throughout the year and the opportunity to attend Summer Camp in July. There are other residential opportunities to work with Cadets from other schools by attending local, national and even international courses.

All Cadets in Year 9 and above are encouraged to work towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award, as this compliments the Army Proficiency Certificate (APC). Progress through the APC is achieved through developing military skills such as Drill, Fieldcraft and Target Shooting, as well as First Aid, Self-Reliance, Teamwork, Expeditions and Charity Fundraising.

Experienced Cadets can gain promotions which will give them more leadership experience and, also, more responsibility for their fellow Cadets.


All subject areas contribute to Personal Development and SMSC. This includes opportunities within lessons to develop transferable skills, as well as developing a broader understanding and appreciation of the subject. Curriculum areas integrate guest speakers, educational visits and enrichment activities into their teaching and learning to support Personal Development and SMSC.

Duke of Edinburgh (DofE)

The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award is offered to students in Year 9. The Bronze Award takes a minimum of six months to complete and there are three specific sections: Voluntary Service, Skills and Physical Recreation plus an expedition to complete. The Bronze DofE Award is a nationally recognised award and participants must complete a minimum of 3 months activity for each of the three sections. Participants have up until the end of Year 11 to complete their award.


The Academy has an extensive extra-curricular offer which includes before and after school activities. The offer is informed by student voice and covers a wide spectrum of interests including sport, crafts, digital and artistic. All students are expected to attend at least one extra-curricular club on a regular basis.

House System

Our House System encourages healthy competition amongst students and staff. All students and staff belong to an Academy House (Derwent, Kielder or Fontburn). Over the Academic year, students and staff compete in a range of house competitions. These include photography, Ready Steady Cook, rounders, CVEA's Got Talent, The Big Quiz and Castle Building. Students should aim to represent their house in at least one event each academic year and are encouraged to support others representing their house. The House Cup is awarded to the winning house in July each year.


All students have the opportunity to apply for and hold a leadership position within the Academy. These include Lead Students, House Captains, Careers Champions and Peer Mentors. Students holding leadership posts understand the privilege and responsibility of their role.


The Academy has four trained .b teachers who support staff in the delivery of mindfulness as part of our PSCHE programme. All students complete an introduction to mindfulness (breathe) in Year 7 and the .b programme in Year 8 with additional sessions throughout Years 9 to 11.

National Citizenship Service (NCS)

Students in year 11 are encouraged to take part in the National Citizenship Service. The National Citizenship Service deliver workshops to year 10 and 11 to encourage students to engage with the programme and also with wider volunteering and social enterprise opportunities.

PSCHE Programme

All students have a timetabled PSCHE lesson each week. This covers the key themes of:

The PSCHE programme covers all statutory content (Relationship, Sex, Health Education and Citizenship) as well as additional topics pertinent to our students' personal, spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.

An integral part of our PSHE programme are our 'Step Up' days focusing on themes such as citizenship, careers, celebrating diversity and respect.


To support students to develop essential skills (the ability to creatively solve problems, to self-manage, to communicate effectively, and to work well with others), the Academy uses the SkillsBuilder Universal Framework. There is a half-termly focus on a specific skill in lessons and through the tutorial and PSCHE programmes. This enables students to understand and explain the skills that they are developing across their subjects.

For more information on SkillsBuilder, please visit:

Sports Academy

Since its inception in 2013, the Sports Academy, initially through cricket and, now through dance and football, has delivered on its aim of producing well-rounded and successful young people. Our Sports Academy students have shown outstanding progress, not only in their chosen sports, but also in self-confidence and maturity. This, in turn, has engendered positive outcomes in attendance, engagement and academic progress.

Trips and Visits

Throughout the academic year, a wide range of local, national and international trips and visits take place. These include cultural visits to local museums, art galleries and theatres; sporting competitions and events and career-focused events to local colleges, universities and employers.

Tutorial Programme

The tutorial programme underpins the assembly programme and provides opportunities for students to debate and discuss ideas and issues.


Students understand the importance of volunteering and 'giving back'. A range of volunteering opportunities are provided for students within the Academy and through our work with community groups. These include community litter picks, supporting Academy open events, volunteering at local primary schools and visits to local residential care homes.

For more information, please see our Academy Newsletters and the Latest News section of our website.

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